Welcome to Room 2

We hope that you enjoy sharing our learning with us.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Meet the 'Walking Stick'.

Wow!  Take a look at our class visitor.  This stick insect was found on the school grounds by two of our eagle eyed children.  We used him to launch our HoT Learning (Higher Order Thinking and Learning) topic of the Environment.  As a class we decided to look at the animals of New Zealand and  their habitats and adaptations.  As part of our learning we have visited the Green Rig, brainstormed questions about two of our native birds (the Kiwi and Pukeko) and have started to learn how to find answers to our questions.

This is some our 'Kiwi' art.  We learnt about using shape, space and line to create these pastel and ink pictures.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging Room 2! It's great to be able to share, celebrate and view your learning online. I look forward to many more posts sharing your wonderful learning. Mr Orr.

  2. What a fantastic find Room 2. I also love your kiwi art. You are all very talented!

  3. Awesome kiwi art Room 2. I can see you've listened and observed how a kiwi should look. Well done.

  4. I had a look at the blog Room 2. i love it

    From Joshua in Room 3
