Welcome to Room 2

We hope that you enjoy sharing our learning with us.

Monday 12 December 2011

Room 5 come to Room 2!

Room 2 were treated to some awesome pirate comic strips that Room 5 had been working on.  It was great to see all the children enjoying the comic strips and asking questions about them.  

Ben said, 'We told them what we liked about the stories.'

Seth said, 'We said we liked the pictures.  The pictures were cool.'

Hana said, 'We asked them questions about the comic strips.'

Angelina said, 'I liked the story because the parrots were nearly always called Polly.'

Estella said, 'They had great wow words.'

Angus said, 'We asked how much time they took to make them.'

Zoe said, 'We got to listen to a few of the stories only.  I wanted to hear all the stories.'

Hugo said, 'They have good spaces between their words.'

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Painted jigsaw puzzles

Room 2 have been busy painting underwater pictures onto pre-made jigsaw puzzles.  They made plans first before carefully transferring their designs onto the jigsaws.  They look stunning and the children are looking forward to breaking them up into their pieces before having a go at putting them back together again!

We would like to thank Mrs Patrick for coming in to help us make them.

Symmetry in Action

The Room 2 children were set a challenge to create a symmetrical 'pattern' from lego or building blocks.  They had to ensure that there was some height to the 'pattern' to add interest.  Take a look at them stepping up to the challenge.
Looking for the 'right' parts

Symmetrical pattern coming along!

Looking good....

Finished products!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Island Bay Marine Reserve - Rocky Shores Visit

Rooms 1, 2 and 3 had a fantastic time down in Wellington investigating the rock pools and sea creature touch pools at the Island Bay Marine Reserve.  We were really lucky with the weather - rain and wind gave way to beautiful blue skies!  The children were awesome and most had a go at touching or holding some of the exciting sea creatures.  There were sea cucumbers, star fish, sea anemones, hermit crabs, octopi, fish, sea spiders and heaps of other animals!  
Starfish or Sea Star

Sea Urchin

Sea Anemone in a Paua Shell

Looking closely!

Thinking about picking up some creatures.

Mr Turtle

One of the fish.

Handling the creatures.
Camo Crab

Star Fish!

Hermit Crab

Yeuch - holding a Sea Slug.

The foot of a Sea Snail.

The Sea Anemones.

Going rock pooling.

A Sea Anemone - waiting for the tide to come in.

But what did the children have to say......

Zoe - When the lady gave me the Camo Crab it was heavy and spiky.

Georgina - When I picked up a Spider Star Fish it felt bumpy.

Estella - When the lady gave me the sea crab it was spiky.

Nate - The lady gave me the Camo Crab.  First I was scared, then I held it.

Hana - The Sea Anemone felt like jelly and it was very smooth and sticky and sloppy.

Hugo - I liked it when I picked up the sea slug up.  It was slimy and yucky.

Amy-Lee - I was too scared to pick up a StarFish but I picked a baby one up.

Angelina - I liked feeding the Turtles.  First I had it (the food) on a little string, then really tight in my hand.  I held it really tight because they are really strong.

Angus - When I fed the fish I had to get up on a big, big, big ladder because the fish tank was really big.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Agriculture Day - Monday 7th November 2011

Wow!  What an awesome day.  What a hectic day.  The children came to school laden with flowers and vegetables ready to make their flower arrangements and food entries.  Art entries had been completed previously and were already displayed in class.  Take a look at some of the things Room 2 got up to.

Making Funny Vegetable Faces

Decorated Elephants

It was  a great day and lots of fun.  We are all exhausted now!!

Thursday 3 November 2011

Bouncing Basketballs!

Today Room 2 has been learning about basketball.  We needed to hold the ball when the instructor/teacher was talking.  If we couldn't hold the ball and just wanted to bounce it we had to put it between our feet.  We didn't want it to roll away!  We learned how to bounce the ball and dribble the ball. We had to keep control of the ball by keeping our elbow tucked in and using soft finger tips.

Getting ready to dribble

Keep the ball under control.....


By Room 2

Superb Subtraction! Tricky Take Aways!

Room 2 have been tackling some tricky taking away in maths and are really getting to grips with using number lines and other ways to help them!  Take a look at the photographs they took to show their learning.
Taking away using place value

Taking 9 by taking 10 first and then adding 1
Using a Number Line to take away

Using number lines to take away

Wow!  Look at the children really thinking hard about their learning.

Angelina says - "We tried really hard."

Sam says - "Our class are learning to take away."