Welcome to Room 2

We hope that you enjoy sharing our learning with us.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Daffodil Day in Room 2 by Room 2

Daffodil Day at Koputaroa School was really fun. It's the day where everyone supports The Cancer Society.  We had to wear yellow to school.  We came in fancy costumes.  We gave a donation to help raise money for The Cancer Society.  We made daffodil's for a mural.  They looked awesome!

The Elephant by Angus

The Elephant I drew is just a plain elephant, but coloured in different colours because we didn't have any grey!!  I learnt to draw elephants in Room 3 with Mrs Robinson and Mrs Burton.  I feel really good because I knew how to do it.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Reading Elmer books by David McKee

Elmer is a patchwork elephant.  He is inspiring the HoT Learning topic in Room 2.  The children are loving Elmer and have been bringing in other Elmer stories that they have found at home or in the Levin Library.  We have read: Elmer; Elmer and the Lost Teddy and Elmer and the Rainbow.  If you find any other Elmer stories please feel free to bring them in.
We even have an Elmer toy in Room 2 which Mrs Keene has let us borrow!  The children really love having it in their class.

Monday 15 August 2011

The Winter Wonderland at Koputaroa School

Room 2 reporting on this fantastic snowy day at school.  All comments and photographs, plus the title are by the children.  Miss Clark is only doing the typing!!!  Enjoy their report.

When you look at the snow there can be shapes that look different, like snowflakes, carriages and all types of stuff.   I found a piece of ice that had holes in it. It looked awesome because it had holes in it and the holes looked like caterpillars had eaten through it.  When I picked it up it felt bumpy - Georgina.

If you look at a block of snow using a microscope you can see that every snowflake is different - Sam.

When you stand on the snow it makes a crunchy sound.  When the sun shines on the snow the snow melts  - Estella.

The snow hurts your eyes if you don't have sunglasses on.  The sun reflects off the snow. It feels like it might be Christmas when it snows - Angus.

At Koputaroa School it has been snowing overnight - we have had so much fun in it - Neah.

The ice was bumpy and had air bubbles in it - Zoe.

The snow feels like ice in the fridge - Hana.

When the sun shines on the snow the snow looks pretty because it sparkles - Angelina.

The ice feels so cold that your hands freeze - Natalie.

The snow feels like ice - Jacob.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Creativity - Elmer

Following from the children's brilliant brainstorm of what they would like to learn about they have been focusing on their play about Elmer.  The children identified that they needed to: decide on parts; make scenery, props and masks; have people to tell the story (the narrators); learn their lines and think about simple costumes.  We have been busy, busy, busy getting prepared.  The children are enthused and keen to make a good job of their production. Rehearsals start tomorrow!!  Take a look at the children preparing some masks for their play.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Term 3 - Creativity

To inspire our HoT Learning topic of Creativity we are using the children's picture book - Elmer (by David McKee).  This is what the children would like to tell you about Elmer and their plans for the learning in Term 3.

'We are learning to think creatively.  We listened to the story of Elmer and talked about it.  With our talking partners we thought about what we would like to do.  Then we made a brainstorm showing what we really want to do.

We are planning our own, 'Elmer's Day Parade'.

We would like to make some shoebox 3d art showing jungles and elephants.

We want to learn about colour because Elmer is a patchwork elephant.'

Room 2s Brainstorm showing what they would like to learn

The children have already made a good start at planning their 'Elmer's Day Parade' for the end of term - including food, games, movies, a masked parade and their own 'elephant' names!

In art Room 2 has been thinking about line, shape, colour and space as they designed their own patterned elephants for a 'Where's Elmer?' display (just like Where's Wally?).

Term 3 is well under way and it's going to be a busy, busy term!

Room 2 Print Making with Mrs Robinson

Room 2 were desperate to share their print making skills.  As part of the modular learning programme the children spent several sessions with Mrs Robinson learning all about print making.  To link with our HoT Learning topic of The Environment the children made Pukeko prints.  Print making is a slow process and quite tricky but the end results are definitely worth it.  The prints are absolutely awesome and will soon be on display in our classroom.  Enjoy the photographs which were all taken by the children.

Stage 1 complete- the first colour

Rolling the ink onto the template

The finished products

You'll have to visit Room 2 to see the finished products.

Monday 8 August 2011

Reading activities

All of the children in Room 2 are really trying hard to keep improving their reading skills.  They do a variety of activities to help consolidate and extend their reading skills including: talking about the stories from the pictures; comprehensions; word building activities; story retelling and drawing and writing activities.  Support from home helps reinforce the class learning.

One reading group had an instructional text and one of their activities was to follow the instructions in the text to make a special letter and envelope.  

The children took the photographs to show what they did.

Some of the instructions

Thinking about the designs
An almost finished product